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3/8/23 Life in the desert

It has been luxurious to be enveloped by my kind friend, an abundance of brightly colored flowers, people who read what I read, avocados and racquet-related activities. Desert white light, dry dry dry, exercise and early bed. White and brown mountains the backdrop behind the Indian Wells bleachers. Dramatic, breathtaking. But it is the ones to the north that we don't see as often, the ones that are pastel and rounded, fading into the sky and the land, that pull me back to where I've been over the last weeks, like thoughts of an old, treasured love who has changed you.

Despite the plagues, floods, snowstorms, dust storms, big box chains and gas guzzling, I loved my trip so very much.I loved being sole decision-maker, problem-solver, luggage carrier, gas pumper, information gatherer, map reader, negotiator and thinker. I loved the people I saw and met, doing their best in their own way, finding their own version of contentment.

And I am in love with the land that is America, its profound beauty and varying terrain. Seeing more sky and majestic (I don't use that word casually) expanses of land that is our country moved me in a way I couldn't have imagined. The expanses helped me to understand and feel abundance.

Being alone helped me to listen to my questions, likes, wishes, worries, things I might be curious about and things that I'm just gosh darn done with. It continues to be my belief that we all have a mission or a purpose, and that we have a voice inside us that guide us to exactly where we need to be. But life gets in the way, it's muted by obligations, distractions, entertainments, annoyances and the expectations of others. Not much to be done about that, but if you can ever find the time, whether minutes or weeks, to listen to that voice, it does lead to a contentment that is profound.

Love you all,


How would you rate your adventure? As I was taking the photograph with my other hand, there's only one thumb, but it was definitely a 2 thumber.


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