Beware: iti can happen that if you are offered extra crispy bacon, it's deep fried after being regular fried. As my mom would say "Not my best".
Uncircumcised palm trees at Palm Springs Town Hallood camaraderie, lots of exercise, and activities planned so all that's neededI is to show up. That there was a good baguette and Italian chocolate at the summit of our hike that looked out over the Coachella Valley was an additional bonus. But I should have said no to the pickleball, I knew I should have said no. The humiliation of limping away from the courts, beaten up and bloody, while the octogenarians played on happily. Ow.
The following day, we did some work in the morning and then went to Indian Wells to watch the Qualifiers, which was great fun. We watched Caroline Dolehide win a great match, I loved her powerful serve. The practice courts were full of celebs, Andy Murray, Diego Schwartzmann, Pliskova, Iga, Montfils, Sabalenka, Sakkari and my favorite, a doubles court with Salisbury and Ram playing the Colombians. It was hot and then it was cold when the sun went behind the trees, but we stayed on, entranced. It's a beautiful place to see tennis, but the lack of organization makes me feel like a bot.

Uncircumcised palm trees at Palm Springs Town Hall

Ralph's Parking Lot

Sandra at the top of the Bump and Grind trail overlooking the Coachella Valley

Part of the pickle ball injury, you can't see my knee. Ran into a stucco wall.

Entrance to Indian Wells

The amount of annuals in the Coachella Valley is not to be believed

Sandra at the entrance to Tennis Paradise

Night match

Joe Salisbury serving it up in a practice doubles match

Sandra's son, doing his ball boy thing

Those mountains.